Follow the brown signs

Putting hell! What a dude…
I’ve been having virtual chats via Facebook/Twitter/Email recently with a chap about brown signs and mini-golf (what a combination – I know, can you just imagine our conversations?!). This man is Richard Gottfried and he’s a pretty cool guy… why? Because he spends his time travelling around the UK playing mini and adventure golf tournaments that’s why, and frankly that’s something you and I can only but wish we were doing with our lives (you love a bit of mini golf and you’re as jealous as I am, admit it). He’s a Great Britain International Minigolfer and British Minigolf Association Tour Pro, he’s won the Blackpool Pleasure Beach Open, Weymouth Open, and he’s a two-time Manchester Mini Major Champion, and I have a lot of respect for them credentials let me tell you. He’s even set up The Crazy Golf and Minature Golf Virtual Museum, what an absolute legend.
The Putting Gott (completely genius pun on name there, wish I could think up witticisms like that) kindly trawled through his photo archives for me and found some belting photos of brown signs that pointed the way to the many mini and adventure golf courses he’s been to all over the UK, illustrating just how diverse and brilliant the wealth of attractions with brown signs are. He also wrote a cool blog on my pursuits which you can find here.
What I love the very best are the often overlooked or ignored places that are all out there just waiting to be discovered if only we open ourselves up to noticing the little brown signs more. Well Richard has certainly inspired me, I’m so up for a bit of mini-golf right now I can’t tell you… in lieu of finding a proper course to play on before work this evening though I might just set up a make-shift course in the living room, fashioned from cushions, toilet rolls and some shelves perhaps… My flat mate will be ecstatic when he gets home (no really he will, he loves crazy shit like that).
The moral of this post: Play more adventure golf – Life’s just a little bit better when there’s moving windmill sails to putt a ball through.
Where have you discovered by following a brown sign? What surprising places have you stumbled upon by going brown signing and playing the brown sign game? Tell me your stories by emailing me and I’ll add them to the website 😉