Follow the brown signs

Most mundane brown sign ever
Richard Gottfried, mini-golf King and spotter of brown signs extraordinare sent me this picture of a brown sign pointing to an overspill car park on what looks like a static caravan park in South Shields (thanks for the pics Richard, keep them coming). I’m pretty sure this wasn’t what the designers of brown signs intended when they thought up a great way of helping indicate the way to the great and good attractions and facilities of Britain. Ho hum. Anyway, thought I’d share the most mundane and depressing brown sign I’ve ever seen with you dear blog reader… enjoy!
If you, like Richard (legend), spot brown signs on your travels and think of my project then why not try and grab a photo of it and send it to me? You can also add the brown signed attraction to this website and help me on my mission to map as many of the brown signs of Britain as possible. Oh go on, I don’t get out and about as much as I used to… 😉