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Follow the brown signs

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Follow the Brown Signs Blog - October, 2012

Here’s to establishing an arts, culture and community space in my hometown!

October 15, 2012
I sing the praises of destinations with brown tourist signs because I love all things heritage, arts, culture, sport, countryside, urban and creative, basically anything FUN! Places with brown signs celebrate all these things and I visit them to immerse myself in what they can teach and show me about the world I live in. But as much as visiting these places started out as a quirky pastime, slowly it has turned into much more than just a fun thing for me to do - seeing the imaginative ways that...


A visit to Great Dixter House and Garden with my moofies

October 7, 2012
Yesterday I went out for the day with my Moofies (aka my mother) to one of her favourite gardens down near Rye in Kent, Great Dixter. These guys run a plant fair every year where stall holders from far and wide come to sell their plants and talk to visitors about their specialities. Living in a 1st floor flat in South East London reduces my horticultural potential to the size of a small hanging basket but that doesn't stop me wishing I had a small holding, so I went along...


What more can museums do for us?! Hmm… what more can we do for them?

October 5, 2012
On Monday I was very happy to be part of an "un-conference" (think conference with no formal agenda) called Museum Camp held in Birmingham at this industrial heritage canalside gorgeousness (left), where museum people from all over Britain congregated to discuss a whole host of museum related matters. As we all know one of my favourite things about museums are the fantastic people behind them and being in a room with so many who cared so much about sharing their collections, well, that for me was excitomondo my friends. There were...