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Follow the brown signs

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Follow the Brown Signs Blog - August, 2013

In the ruins of Bayham Old Abbey

August 14, 2013
english-heritageRecently English Heritage sent me a big spreadsheet containing all their 400(ish) properties in it for me to upload onto my brown sign map of the UK. In order to prevent a brain meltdown I didn't even open the file (best to ignore big data sets in case I break them I find) and sent it straight to my web developer Olly, who had the opposite of a brain meltdown (I think he even said "cool" upon receipt) then cracked right on with uploading it onto my website. You can...


Me on BBC Radio 4 Saturday Live

Saturday LiveOn Saturday I had the honour of being on Saturday Live on Radio 4. Over the years I've been mildly hesitant to get what I do into the media, mainly because I feel a bit shy about it but also because when I've tried in the past it often came to nothing and made me feel a bit crap. In order to keep myself sane and not get too despondent when receiving knock backs I kept going quietly on my own without shouting very much about it. However, recently the...